How do I print a copy of the clothing patterns?
Clicking on the actual pattern image will provide a larger image from which you can print the pattern directly. If you experience issues with clipping or trimmed images you should consider saving the image directly to your computer prior to printing.
How do I download copies of the clothing patterns?
Clicking on the actual pattern image will provide a larger image. Clicking the right mouse button on the larger image provides an option called Save Picture As. Select this option and then choose a location on your computer to save the file. Saving directly to the desktop or the My Pictures folder will help you find the Pattern image after you download the file.
How do I print a copy of the instructions for making the clothing?
Because we are unable to host a file with the instructions, users must select the text directly from the site and copy it to a word processing program on their computer. To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the text you intend to copy, press and hold the mouse button and drag the mouse to the bottom of the text and then release the mouse button. The text will be highlighted. Select Edit from the browser toolbar at the top of the screen and select the Copy option (alternatively users can use the Ctrl+C function). You can then open a word processing program and select Edit from the toolbar menu and click the Paste option (alternatively the user can use the Ctrl+V option). The text will then appear in the word processing program and you will be able to print the instructions.
How do I print a copy of the newsletter?
Clicking on the actual Newsletter image will provide a larger image from which you can print the Newsletter. If you experience issues with clipping or trimmed images during printing, you should consider saving the image directly to your computer prior to printing.
How do I download a copy of the Newsletter?
Clicking on the actual Newsletter image will provide a larger image. Clicking the right mouse button on the larger image provides an option called Save Picture As. Select this option and then choose a location on your computer to save the file. Saving directly to the desktop or the My Pictures folder will help you find the Newsletter image after you download the file.